Saturday, July 25, 2015

Math Websites

There are a few math websites that my cousin recommended. Here is the list for you!
This site has a whole bunch of math worksheets, activities, books, and games for students K-5. All of the resources on the site are aligned with the Common Core Standards and it looks very easy to navigate!
This site has a whole bunch of virtual math word problems. The apps can be used on the Smart Board or an iPad. Technology is becoming so important to implement into schools today, so this site definitely seems useful in the classroom!
This provides examples of math anchor charts, which are basically visual aids for the students to be hung around the classroom. I could see myself using this when I become more familiar with the students in my class and see what their strengths/weaknesses are in math.
This site has a whole bunch of math problems that are solved in "three steps." Each problem has a lesson plan and additional resources that you can download. It seems like there are a lot of topics for each type of problem so it would be really beneficial to find out what the students in your class like/dislike for this site.

I posted all of these sites on the side of my blog under "Math Websites" :)

Upcoming List

I was having a problem deciding which resources online are actually effective in the classroom since I have not been in a classroom by myself before. So, I decided it would be best if I reached out to my cousin who is an elementary school teacher about which sites she uses in her classroom. She was able to give me a whole list so I will be posting them over the next few days!

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Teachers

I was seaching the web for some websites for new teachers and I came across a really helpful site called Teacher's Network. On the home page, there a links to many pages, including videos about how to set up a classroomand curriculum, strategies for managing a classroom, lesson plans, and a bunch of links to 'how to' articles. One of things that I am most nervous about when I start teaching is that I am going to have no clue how to structure a lesson or how to manage my classroom. It's a little scary to think that I will be in charge of a classroom of 25 students and I am the one responsible for teaching them the material that needs to be covered. This site seems like something I can definitely use to help me get over some of these fears! I'm sure I will certainly rely on some of these articles, especially during my first few years of teaching when I am trying to get the hang of things :)

I've posted this link on the side under "New Teacher Links." 


A really fun site that I found is called Animoto. Basically, it takes whatever pictures and text you want, and makes it into a professional slideshow. You can even add music to make the video a bit more interesting! It's really simple to use and it definitely adds a little more 'flare' to the typical powerpoint presentation. Children learn best when the material is interesting to why not make boring material into a fun and exciting video? It's a perfect way to make the content a little more engaging! I can't wait to use this site when I am in my own classroom!

Brain Pop

A really good supplementary site for teachers is BrainPop. The site includes an assortment of videos with relevant content that teachers can use as a resource for their students. While I don't think BrainPop should be used by itself because many of the videos are very simple, I think it is a great tool to use alongside a lesson. It is especially helpful for students who may be better visual learners. The link is posted in useful links on the side of my page so check it out if you're looking for something fun to incorporate in your lesson!

Thursday, July 16, 2015 favorite site!

I really love Pintrest and I think it has so many creative things to do! There have been many times that I come across some really cute things for teaching and I often try to picture myself using these things in my own classroom. I have decided to create a teaching board with some of the things I have found and hopefully I can use them when I start teaching next year! Here is the link to my board if you want to check it out:

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


One site that is really helpful to use in the classroom is Edmodo. It is basically like an educational Facebook that allows students in the class to connect with each other. Teachers can post assignments, grades, and notices for the students to view, comment, and share. I remember using this site in my elementary school and thinking it was so fun because it felt like I was allowed to use Facebook in class. It provides a fun way to interact with students that is safe and relatable!The link is posted on the side of my blog under 'Other Websites'.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hello Blog Readers!

Hi! My name is Maureen and I am currently in the process of receiving my masters degree in Special Education and Elementary Education. I created this blog to post teaching resources that I find on the internet in hopes that I can use them when I have my own classroom. Hope you enjoy it! :)