Monday, July 20, 2015

New Teachers

I was seaching the web for some websites for new teachers and I came across a really helpful site called Teacher's Network. On the home page, there a links to many pages, including videos about how to set up a classroomand curriculum, strategies for managing a classroom, lesson plans, and a bunch of links to 'how to' articles. One of things that I am most nervous about when I start teaching is that I am going to have no clue how to structure a lesson or how to manage my classroom. It's a little scary to think that I will be in charge of a classroom of 25 students and I am the one responsible for teaching them the material that needs to be covered. This site seems like something I can definitely use to help me get over some of these fears! I'm sure I will certainly rely on some of these articles, especially during my first few years of teaching when I am trying to get the hang of things :)

I've posted this link on the side under "New Teacher Links." 

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