Monday, August 3, 2015

Reading and Writing

Elemetary school is a critical time to encourage creative writing and reading. Students learn the basics about what makes a good essay and also learn to ask meaningful questions. Below are a few websites for reading and writing that every elementary school teacher can use! 

This is a great website to help prompt students to ask questions. The student will be shown a picture and are asked what the first question that comes to their mind is. It is a really useful website to help students ask meaningful questions and can help, especially with creative writing. 

This website provides reading and writing resources for students in all grades K-8. Looking through the content, I noticed that there are even videos to model how different lessons can be taught. I can imagine myself using this and watching the videos in order to get a better idea of how to teaching reading and writing in my own classroom. 

This is a really cool website that I found where students can read and post book reviews, play games on different units, and watch videos about the author of different books. It looks like it would be something students can relate to and can share their thoughts about their reading material. 
This website provides a bunch of reading resources for teachers and parents. Teachers can find different reading strategies to use in the classroom, as well as suggestions for read aloud books. 

All of these websites can be found on the side of my blog under 'Reading and Writing Websites.' :)

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